From:                                         Wasim Ashour <>

Sent:                                           19 November 2023 08:01

To:                                               Richard

Subject:                                     Richard, your GAZA UPDATE


You're helping to save lives in Gaza

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MAP | Medical Aid For Palestinians


Dear Richard

My name is Wasim Ashour, and I am part of the Medical Aid for Palestinians' (MAP) team here in Gaza. I want to share with you an update on our ongoing work.

Our response to the crisis has been swift, but the situation remains dire. We were one of the first international aid agencies to respond, and we are now one of the last still working in Gaza today. We are members of the local community and, with your support, we will continue to do all that we can to help our people.
With your support, we are delivering 1,000 hot meals daily to around 3,000 individuals in the heart of Gaza, facing food scarcity and bombardment. You are helping to directly address the critical lack of food and nutrition in the midst of this emergency.
Beyond meals, your generosity has enabled us to provide over US$1.9 million worth of essential supplies, including medicines and disposables – and other life-sustaining items like mattresses, blankets and hygiene kits. The need is urgent, and your continued support is crucial. Thank you so much for everything you have done already. 

With limited humanitarian supplies here in Gaza, the situation is desperate. But there is some hope. Our new MAP team in Cairo is actively setting up operations to ensure a swift response, getting medical and shelter supplies into Gaza through the Rafah crossing as soon as we can. 
Your ongoing support is invaluable. You are helping to make a real impact on the ground.
Thank you for standing with us in solidarity.

Wasim Ashour
Aid Worker
Medical Aid for Palestinians

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Medical Aid for Palestinians · 33A Islington Park Street · London, London N1 1QB · United Kingdom

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